Friday, November 27, 2009

Master Cleanse Recap: Day 7-11

Hey Beautiful people. OK so I know your are probably like what has been taking me so long to update my blog but honestly I have been real busy with work and the semester is coming to an end so I been engaging myself into studying, but I have not forgotten about all my beautiful subbies.

OK First of all I wanna say thank you to all you beauties that have been helping and supporting threw it all, I deeply appreciate it I really do.

So I have been doing good, it is day eleven and it doesn't even feel like it it feels like the first few days I guess that's because I have been so caught up I haven't been paying attention to how fast the days are going by.

Everything is running a lot smoother than when I first started, obviously that's because I am a lot more used to it now then when I was before. I'm a lot more energized and I haven't felt this good probably since my early teen years and that's crazy amazing.

Well like I said before I weigh myself every five days and I did, so far I have lost a good ten pounds. Yeah I know it's great, but like I stated before I really didn't do this for the weight mainly for my body itself.

Well anyway tomorrow Is a new day and I'll post another blog for day 12.
