Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Master cleanse Info & Recipe

The Master cleanse is also sometimes called the Lemonade Diet. It's a 10 day diet that originally created back in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs. The diet was made popular in recent years with a book called Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days by Peter Glickman. Celebrities have been touting the effectiveness and benefits of the diet. Once of the most famous examples of a celebrity using this diet is Beyonce Knowles. Beyoncé used the diet to drop 22 pounds in 2 weeks for a movie role in Dreamgirls. Robin Quivers (Howard Stern's talk show cohost) claims to have lost 73 pounds using the diet. Rapper Trina, magician David Blaine, and actor Jared Leto also claim to have lost a lot of weight on the diet.

It's a fasting diet, which means you don't actually eat anything while you're on the cleanse. Instead, you spend 10 days drinking a special lemonade recipe. The cleanse is usually used for a minimum of 10 days, but some people do stay on the diet for longer periods of time.

Most people believe that the master cleanse is a diet well it really isn't. The master cleanse is simply what the name says: A CLEANSE. Do you lose weight off the master cleanse? Yes you do but it's not because of the drink it's simply because of the fact that for the minimum of 10 days you are not consuming anything but liquids. The way you've been eating has been completely cut out. Your not eating any solid foods. Your fasting so of course you will lose weight. The master cleanse cleans out all the toxic from your body that has been inside for years even decades.

The Recipe:

1) 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

2) 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup grade B (or A)

3) 1/10 tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder

4) 10 oz glasses of distilled water (This is around 295ml of water)

Lemon juice – you would approximately need half a lemon to make 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. If you want to create the lemonade for the whole day, it can only last for 8 hours before it turns bad (even you have put it into the fridge).

Do take note not to use canned lemon juice as the vitamins and nutrients are no longer in the canned lemon. It is essential for your body to absorb the lemon nutrients because you are drinking the lemonade for 10 days.

Maple syrup - If you read from all the free information online, the standard instructions are to use organic maple syrup grade B. They would also tell you not to use other kinds of syrup as they are not suitable for the master cleanse diet. Usually you can only find the grade B maple syrup in United States only and if you are from other parts of the world, chances are you won’t be able to find grade B maple syrup.

Cayenne pepper – do not underestimate the power of cayenne pepper. It is one of the best healing herbs in the world. The pepper can increase the blood flow in the body, have a rich source of vitamins B & C and can save one from heart attack. We would recommend you to buy the powder form of cayenne pepper.

Salt Water Flush Recipe

You would need to prepare a teaspoon of organic sea salt (not iodized salt) with 25 – 35 oz of warm water. Mix well and do your best to drink the solution in one go. If it is difficult to drink, use normal temperature water then.

It is best to drink the salt water flush before drinking the lemonade in the morning as it is more effective with empty stomach.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Laxative tea
  • Natural Herbal Tea (decaffeinated)

Taking a laxative will speed up the detoxing process, and help your body eliminate waste.

I prefer ingestible laxatives like, sea salts, and herbal tea. These are ideal methods for cleaning the colonic tract without the harmful effects of colonics and enemas.

It's best to use either of these laxatives (or both of them) 2 times a day. I've found it best to take them in the morning and before I go to bed.

Also, I advise you give yourself at least an hour and a half before you go out when you do this. These laxatives will work fast, and you will discover why you should probably be at home near a bathroom when you use them.


Do not add the cayenne pepper when you make the drink, only add it when you are about to drink it or the cayenne pepper will make the drink go bad. And only make enough to last up to eight hours anything more than that needs to be thrown away and you need to make a new mix.


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