Saturday, November 28, 2009

Master Cleanse:|:Day Twelve

Hey beauties, So It's day twelve and I have been having a hard day. Not because of the lemonade or my hunger, but because of some personal issues at home, which caused me to slack on my drinking.

But I don't feel any different from the past few days I been good and energized. I have been going out for frequent runs and trying to take long walks around the neighborhood.

The salt water flush is like nothing to me, I drink that like a pro now so I'm good on that, not as bad as before. But hey the days are closing in on me. I havn't been keeping up with my videos which is realy bad, I'm realy sorry you guys.
Well I have lost some weight wich is a good thing, and I feel a lot more active than before so I'm happy that is accomplished. I have never felt so good physically before.
Well tomorrow is day thirteen so I'll post about that then.
Thanx for the support you guys I greatly appriciate it.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Master Cleanse Recap: Day 7-11

Hey Beautiful people. OK so I know your are probably like what has been taking me so long to update my blog but honestly I have been real busy with work and the semester is coming to an end so I been engaging myself into studying, but I have not forgotten about all my beautiful subbies.

OK First of all I wanna say thank you to all you beauties that have been helping and supporting threw it all, I deeply appreciate it I really do.

So I have been doing good, it is day eleven and it doesn't even feel like it it feels like the first few days I guess that's because I have been so caught up I haven't been paying attention to how fast the days are going by.

Everything is running a lot smoother than when I first started, obviously that's because I am a lot more used to it now then when I was before. I'm a lot more energized and I haven't felt this good probably since my early teen years and that's crazy amazing.

Well like I said before I weigh myself every five days and I did, so far I have lost a good ten pounds. Yeah I know it's great, but like I stated before I really didn't do this for the weight mainly for my body itself.

Well anyway tomorrow Is a new day and I'll post another blog for day 12.



Thursday, November 19, 2009

Master Cleanse:|:Day Three and Four

OK so I didn't get the chance to write in my blog about day three yesterday so I have to combine three and four....

Day Three November 17th 2009 I almost lost it, i swear i was going to give into temptation. It was the dang sea salt water flush. The Lemonade itself was nothing but when I woke up and didn't want to get up and do the flush I started second guessing myself. I was not about to do this dang flush for seven more days, but then I sat down took a real deep breath and got my act together.

Insted of doing the flush with room temp water I just heated it. It is a lot better heated, I didn't even taste the salt as much as before which made things a whole lot easier. By twelve I was starving and it sucked because I wasn't home to make the lemonade and I didn't bring a bottle with me. On the way home my oh so non encouraging mother stopped by KFC! Did you hear K F F***ING C!!! I was so mad...and she had the nerve to wave it in my face and ask me if I wanted some...UGH Normally I really wouldn't care because I don't eat KFC, and if I did, it was only the mash potato chicken bowl and their mac n cheese; mmmm that sounds so good right now. Anyway I was about to jump out the car, but then I would get run over by the other cars on the road so I second guessed that.

So anyway it's day four and I'm starting to get the hang of this whole thing, when I'm hungry I drink the lemonade, but then I drink a lil' too much of it, then I start to feel bloated. I don't use the bathroom that much So either something is wrong or I'm not doing something right lol. But I go the laxative tea and it works pretty good. I was in school all day today so I never have the opportunity to actually get food or actually think about it. But overall I had a pretty decent day.
Six more long days to go then I'm free...But its not like I can eat anything I want cause then what is the point of being on this cleanse. Well I'm out but stay tuned day five ppl

Master Cleanse:|:Day Two

Ok so it's day two and my journey Is slowly coming to an end....SLOWLY lol but I'm convinced that I will get through this....Food is on my mind 24/7 even in my sleep... yes I had a dream about food I was eating it like there was no tomorrow. But staying motivated really helps me stay grounded. I been in school most of the day so I really didn't have the opportunity to get anything to eat. I was home alone today, usually that is a good thing but today not so much... I was tempted to go into the fridge and pantry and eat everything in it, but I didn't thank god.

One thing I have learned to do is distract myself from thoughts of eating and eating itself...I read a lot I'm writing like crazy and I go jogging when I'm bored instead of eating. It's been a while since I have wrote anything to add to my collection of thoughts so I'm glad I'm getting around to doing so.

The lemonade Is not so bad. I guess cause I'm getting used to It drinking it is a breeze now...The only thing that is driving me nuts is the sea salt water flush..UGH so gross, but I heard that if the water is heated it doesn't taste as bad so for day three I will try that.

Well till then I'm out

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day One

Day one

It's officially day one of my master cleanse. After making the the Sea salt flush I was ready to quit, I felt like I was going to faint but I was just over reacting, I got myself together and moved on. It is now five 0'clock on a Sunday afternoon and I'm feeling alright, of course I've been using the bathroom like crazy but that's just one of the side affects. I'm drinking my lemonade right now and the Cayenne pepper is really killing me. If I drunk the lemonade w/o the pepper it would be a lot easier for me. So every time I drink the cleanse I suck on a piece of ice to take the awful taste out my mouth...Is that bad?? IDK but I hope it doesn't effect my results. I'm trying to do this w/o the Smooth Move but I'm keeping myself motivated w/ these picture....

The perfect body (in my opinion)

Having something positive and positive energy around me at all times is a huge thing for me and even though it's day one I feel like just getting up and going to the store to get everything that I need to get closer to my goal is a big step....

I'm not sure how long I will be on this cleanse but I know it will be for a minimum of ten days. after the first part of this journey comes the real hard work. Working out, eating right, controlling the amount of food I eat and how I eat, and more working out. I'm even thinking about becoming a vegetarian...but we'll see how that goes. Back to my drink I go!!!! Wish me luck


The Master cleanse Info & Recipe

The Master cleanse is also sometimes called the Lemonade Diet. It's a 10 day diet that originally created back in 1941 by Stanley Burroughs. The diet was made popular in recent years with a book called Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days by Peter Glickman. Celebrities have been touting the effectiveness and benefits of the diet. Once of the most famous examples of a celebrity using this diet is Beyonce Knowles. Beyoncé used the diet to drop 22 pounds in 2 weeks for a movie role in Dreamgirls. Robin Quivers (Howard Stern's talk show cohost) claims to have lost 73 pounds using the diet. Rapper Trina, magician David Blaine, and actor Jared Leto also claim to have lost a lot of weight on the diet.

It's a fasting diet, which means you don't actually eat anything while you're on the cleanse. Instead, you spend 10 days drinking a special lemonade recipe. The cleanse is usually used for a minimum of 10 days, but some people do stay on the diet for longer periods of time.

Most people believe that the master cleanse is a diet well it really isn't. The master cleanse is simply what the name says: A CLEANSE. Do you lose weight off the master cleanse? Yes you do but it's not because of the drink it's simply because of the fact that for the minimum of 10 days you are not consuming anything but liquids. The way you've been eating has been completely cut out. Your not eating any solid foods. Your fasting so of course you will lose weight. The master cleanse cleans out all the toxic from your body that has been inside for years even decades.

The Recipe:

1) 2 tablespoons of lemon juice

2) 2 tablespoons of organic maple syrup grade B (or A)

3) 1/10 tablespoon of cayenne pepper powder

4) 10 oz glasses of distilled water (This is around 295ml of water)

Lemon juice – you would approximately need half a lemon to make 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. If you want to create the lemonade for the whole day, it can only last for 8 hours before it turns bad (even you have put it into the fridge).

Do take note not to use canned lemon juice as the vitamins and nutrients are no longer in the canned lemon. It is essential for your body to absorb the lemon nutrients because you are drinking the lemonade for 10 days.

Maple syrup - If you read from all the free information online, the standard instructions are to use organic maple syrup grade B. They would also tell you not to use other kinds of syrup as they are not suitable for the master cleanse diet. Usually you can only find the grade B maple syrup in United States only and if you are from other parts of the world, chances are you won’t be able to find grade B maple syrup.

Cayenne pepper – do not underestimate the power of cayenne pepper. It is one of the best healing herbs in the world. The pepper can increase the blood flow in the body, have a rich source of vitamins B & C and can save one from heart attack. We would recommend you to buy the powder form of cayenne pepper.

Salt Water Flush Recipe

You would need to prepare a teaspoon of organic sea salt (not iodized salt) with 25 – 35 oz of warm water. Mix well and do your best to drink the solution in one go. If it is difficult to drink, use normal temperature water then.

It is best to drink the salt water flush before drinking the lemonade in the morning as it is more effective with empty stomach.

Optional Ingredients:

  • Laxative tea
  • Natural Herbal Tea (decaffeinated)

Taking a laxative will speed up the detoxing process, and help your body eliminate waste.

I prefer ingestible laxatives like, sea salts, and herbal tea. These are ideal methods for cleaning the colonic tract without the harmful effects of colonics and enemas.

It's best to use either of these laxatives (or both of them) 2 times a day. I've found it best to take them in the morning and before I go to bed.

Also, I advise you give yourself at least an hour and a half before you go out when you do this. These laxatives will work fast, and you will discover why you should probably be at home near a bathroom when you use them.


Do not add the cayenne pepper when you make the drink, only add it when you are about to drink it or the cayenne pepper will make the drink go bad. And only make enough to last up to eight hours anything more than that needs to be thrown away and you need to make a new mix.


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